Key Features
Job Costing: Business Services
Within Exordia Job Costing a Cost Type for Business Services is included - Cost Type B. This is aimed at “service” oriented businesses like Consultants, Accountants, Architects, Designers, etc., where there may be a variability in charge out rates for individuals.
Within this cost type you can define as many “Service Types” as you may require for your business. Each Service Type contains details of the Billing Unit, Billing Price, Direct Cost, any Overhead Cost and details of the basis for the rate cost or price.
New entries are conveniently added from the Settings menu directly onto the screen grid that opens when you select “Business Service Types” - there is no limit to the amount of these Types you can set up.
Once the Service Types have been added they can be easily used within the various sections of the program - greatly simplifying the process of time recording and billing for “service” oriented organisations
Augmenting the Costing enhancements for Business Service Organisations, is a personalised billing rate routine that is available for each employee. Set up through the employee record, you can add individual billing rates for up to ninety nine separate activities.