Charity Accounting: Key Features
- Links to Sage Line 50 (permanent real time)
- Unlimited Doner Database.
- Unlimited Recipient Database.
- Opening Balances.
- Multiple Recipients from one gift.
- Notes on Donor, Recipient and Gift records for special instructions.
- Recurring and non-recurring gifts.
- Donor fund holding account for future allocation.
- Allocation to Recipient can be automatically made from gift entry.
- Record special messages to recipients.
- Automatic collection of Gift Aid Tax refund data - production of Tax Claim form
in seconds.
- Tax refund is automatically credited to the original Donor's account for distribution
by instruction.
- Individual and batch processing of gifts and disbursements.
- Automatic generation of Donor receipts and disbursement remittances.
- Accounting handled in the background with automatic postings to the Sage Line 50
nominal ledger.
- Powerful on-screen analysis.
- Printable screens and a wide range of reports.
- Stationery produced with Crystal Reports and handles: International Payment Instructions,
Foreign Drafts and Gift Aid Tax forms. Layouts can be customised using Crystal Reports.
- Financial Analysis and Statements consistent with S.O.R.P. of Charity Commission.
- Integrates with Microsoft Office 2000 and above.
- Comprehensive maintenance consol.
- User / module security access rights.
- Multi Charity system available.
- Single and multi user versions.