
Job Costing: Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of most frequently asked questions about Exordia Job Costing. If your question is not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us on (01292) 445599 or email:
Which versions of Sage Line 50 will Exordia Job Costing integrate with?
In line with Sage, our policy is to support the five most recent versions of Sage
50. At the time of writing, this means v12 and higher. Job Costing works with Sage
50 Accounts, Accounts Plus, Accounts Professional and, as of Sage 50 2010, both packages
in the Instant range.
Which versions of Sage Payroll will Exordia Job Costing link with?
Exordia Job Costing will import from any Payroll Program which supports the export
of csv files. Sample csv files are included in the software to detail to the user
the format required.
Do I have to use Sage Payroll with Exordia Job Costing?
No. Exordia Job Costing also has the facility for an internal employee database
which can be set up and used to book labour costs to jobs.
Is it possible to use Exordia Job Costing stand alone, without using Sage Line
No, Exordia Job Costing shares information with Sage Line 50 such as customers,
suppliers, stock and bank, plus the nominal ledger is used for managing WIP and
Can I use a Single User version of Exordia Job Costing with a Network Version
of Sage Line 50?
Yes, this is possible.
Can I use a Network Version of Exordia Job Costing with a Single User Version
of Sage Line 50?
No, if you would like to use Network Job Costing you must also have Network Sage
Line 50. If you try to link it with single user of Sage Line 50, you will find that
it will crash, and this could also cause severely corrupt data.
What is Commitment Accounting?
Commitment Accounting is the process of being able to view not only all invoiced
costs to a job, but also committed costs. Committed costs are costs that have been
committed to the job, i.e. ordered, but not yet invoiced. The main benefit of commitment
accounting is that no costs are overlooked when billing a job. If a system does
not include commitment accounting, only invoiced costs will be shown when billing
the job. With Exordia Job Costing, it is also possible to view all outstanding committed
costs whilst billing the job.
We are a small consultancy firm and only need to track time and expense on projects.
Exordia Job Costing seems quite complicated for our needs, is there any way in which
it may be used more simply?
Exordia Job Costing V3.5 includes an area developed particularly for this type of
organisation. The Time and Expense Management area, allows the input of all time
and expense, and it is also possible to set up personalised billing rates dependant
on the employee and the work they are doing for each client. The job structure can
be kept simple with only two line items, one for labour, and one for expense.
We use a separate estimating system which has been specifically designed to
meet our own requirements. Do we have to use the Exordia Job Costing Estimating
It is not vital that you use the Estimating module. If you have your own in-house
system as described and are happy with that, it is possible to create a simple Job
structure of one line item with a "General" Cost Type. You can allocate
the overall budget for the job to that item, and then because it is a General cost
type, you may book all costs of the job to that line item. However, please note
that by doing this, there will be no analysis of cost types, i.e. overall labour
cost etc.