Job Costing

Delivers real time integration of cost and financial ledgers in Sage Accounts with full audit trail and multi-currency transaction processing.
Core functionality - estimating, purchasing, time and expenses and invoicing - you can post bank payments, stock, labour entries, allocations and purchases for job and non-job activity.
Multiple levels of cost analysis with powerful on screen presentation down to transaction level. The main screens can be tailored, sorted and grouped to individual information needs, which minimises need for reports.
Management of work-in-progress and cost of sales is embedded in the process, with on-screen information and a facility to add forecasts.
Purchasing - for project, stock or general supplies - features receiving, returns, invoice checking and matching processes, tracks outstanding commitment and RBNI (accrual for late invoices). Purchase orders can be generated automatically from the conversion of an estimate.
Flexible invoicing - cost plus markup, fixed price, % stage billing and the ability to invoice multiple customers. You can also transfer works orders to stock or a nominal account.

Comprehensive time and expense recording with cash advance facility and employee or administrator entry. Employee database imports from Sage Payroll.
Estimating module with leads database and progress tracking
Exordia Job Costing is job and project costing at its best!