Key Features
Job Costing: Billing

The Job Costing cycle is completed by the billing module, which allows the organisation to raise sales invoices and credits for jobs and also complete internal works orders - for either stage payments or the completed work. The flexible billing process identifies the costs incurred and available for billing, matches them to invoice value and creates and posts the invoice.

This invoicing routine automatically adjusts the Sage Line 50 nominal ledger by transferring the costs from Work In Progress to Cost Of Sales and posts the amount invoiced into Sales. It also allows you to accrue for late supplier invoices, through a received but not invoiced (RIBNI) Process.
The billing display brings up the current job cost status, you then select the items and the value you wish to bill. There are functions that allow you to bill at a fixed price, bill up to date, bill a percentage of the job and a flexible mode that enables you to select specific line items to bill.
The function of billing completes the costing cycle; it relieves Work In Progress and matches Invoiced Sales value to Cost of Sales.